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Thursday February 06, 2014
Start: 2014-02-04
End: 2014-02-06

The 4th colocation meeting will take place in Frascati near Rome, Italy. The focus of the meeting will be the science results from Phase 1 of the CCI project.

Registration can be accomplished at

Thursday February 20, 2014
Start: 2014-02-20

The seventh Ice_Sheets_cci progress meeting is scheduled to take place on February 20th-21st in Oslo. S[&]T looks forward to welcoming our project partners.

Friday February 21, 2014
Start: 2014-02-20
End: 2014-02-21

The seventh Ice_Sheets_cci progress meeting is scheduled to take place on February 20th-21st in Oslo. S[&]T looks forward to welcoming our project partners.

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