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Release of new data products from Greenland_Ice_Sheet_cci June 2018

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The GIS_cci project is happy to announce the release of new and updated data products, as follows:

2017-2018 IV map for the Greenland Ice Sheet from ENVEO; 

New GMB product for the Greenland Ice Sheet from TU Dresden;

New GMB product for the Greenland Ice Sheet from DTU Space;

 New Optical IV products for 8 major outlet glaciers from S[&]T;

  1. 79Fjord Glacier between 2017-06-25 and 2017-08-10
  2. Hagen Glacier between 2017-06-15 and 2017-08-14
  3. Helheim Glacier between 2017-05-01 and 2017-08-29
  4. Jakobshavn Glacier between 2017-06-03 and 2017-09-08
  5. Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier between 2017-07-21 and 2017-09-01
  6. Petermann Glacier between 2017-05-01 and 2017-09-14
  7. Upernavik Glacier between 2017-07-15 and 2017-08-14
  8. Zachariae Glacier between 2017-06-25 and 2017-08-10

The data are open, and are available in netCDF, supplemented with ASCII/shapefile formats, upon a simple registration procedure. Access to the data products are via this site - click on "Products" under the Resources fane - and click on "click here to browse and download" which brings you to our project data products website.

The ESA CCI project is a cooperation of 9 different European partners, with current data updates provided by S[&]T (Norway), ENVEO (Austria), DTU Space (Denmark) and TU Dresden (Germany).


For questions or further information on data contact or