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« Week of October 20, 2014 »
Start: 2014-10-20

The 5th Collocation meeting of the CCI will take place in ESRIN, Italy from the 20-24 October 2014.

Further details will be available nearer the time.

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The 5th Collocation meeting of the CCI will take place in ESRIN, Italy from the 20-24 October 2014.

Further details will be available nearer the time.

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The 5th Collocation meeting of the CCI will take place in ESRIN, Italy from the 20-24 October 2014.

Further details will be available nearer the time.

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The 5th Collocation meeting of the CCI will take place in ESRIN, Italy from the 20-24 October 2014.

Further details will be available nearer the time.

Start: 2014-10-23

The ninth Ice_Sheets_cci progress meeting is scheduled to take place on October 23rd (afternoon) to October 24th (full day) in Copenhagen.

Start: 2014-10-20
End: 2014-10-24

The 5th Collocation meeting of the CCI will take place in ESRIN, Italy from the 20-24 October 2014.

Further details will be available nearer the time.

Start: 2014-10-23
End: 2014-10-24

The ninth Ice_Sheets_cci progress meeting is scheduled to take place on October 23rd (afternoon) to October 24th (full day) in Copenhagen.

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