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The Climate Research Group

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The Climate Research Group (CRG) is a group of expert individuals who have accepted to be associated with the Ice Sheets CCI. These experts are involved in understanding climate dynamics specifically related to the Ice Sheets Essential Climate Variables.
The CGR is headed by Prof. David VaughanProf. Vaughan is Director of Science for the British Antarctic Survey, and until recently, the Programme Coordinator for the EU Framework-7 programme ice2sea and Coordinating Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Reports (2007 and 2013)
The following internationally well-renowned experts make up the rest of the CRG team
  • Prof. Dr. Jon-Ove Hagen (UiO), lead of the major Nordic cryosphere project on Stability and Variation of changes of Arctic Land Ice, SVALI; with long experience in numerous international projects and formal organizations in polar research.
  • Dr. Signe Bech Andersen (GEUS), head of the Department of Glaciology and Climate at GEUS. She has been working with atmospheric processes, remote sensing and glaciology since 1994 and headed the programme for monitoring the Greenland ice sheet (PROMICE) 2012-2016.
  • Dr. Gudfinna Adelsteinsdottir (DMI), an internationally recognized couple ice-climate modeller of the ice sheets, with extensive earlier post-doc experience from both US and Europe.
  • DrErnst J.O. Schrama, associate professor within the section Astrodynamics and Space Mission (A&S) at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft in the Netherlands. Recent activities concern the interpretation of Greenland's mass balance with NASA's GRACE mission.


Other CRG members on Antarctic_Ice_Sheet_cci:

  • Prof. Dr. Michiel van den Broeke, a professor of Polar Meteorology at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, with almost 25 years of experience in polar climate research, in both hemispheres.
  • Dr. Hartmut Hellmer (HHH), a physical oceanographer since 1984, now a Principal Investigator at AWI. HHH has organized and participated in numerous Antarctic field experiments as chief scientist.
  • Dr. Anne Le Brocq, a Lecturer in Geography at the University of Exeter, has a broad research interests covering different aspects of Antarctic research: validating ice sheet models of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, carrying out geophysical ice stream measurements, representation of subglacial hydrology in ice sheet models.


For the completed Phase 1:

Dr. Andreas Ahlstrøm is the head of the glaciology group at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Ahlstrøm has worked as a glaciologist since 1999 and is Principal Investigator at GEUS, where he leads the Monitoring Programme for the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE). He is also involved in numerous other monitoring projects in Greenland within the field of glaciology. He has led a number of field campaigns in Greenland and has acted as a science consultant on an Antarctic mass balance programme. Dr. Ahlstrøm is Chairman of the International Arctic Science Committee’s Working Group on Arctic Glaciology (IASC-WAG), and part of the Climate Expert Group of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) under the Arctic Council.

In the CRG for Phase 1, Dr. Ahlstrøm was joined by the following team of internationally recognized experts:

  • Dr. Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir is a senior scientist at the Danish Metereological Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Aðalgeirsdóttir specialises on the coupling of ice sheets models and regional climate models.
  • Dr. Michiel van der Broeke is a professor at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Dr. van der Broeke studies the climate and mass balance of the large ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. He combines experimental work with regional athmospheric models.
  • Dr. Jon Ove Hagen is a professor at the University of Oslo, Norway. Dr. Hagen studies glacier mass balance, climate change, and climate impact assessments. He has previously been chairman of the International Arctic Science Committee, and is currently Coordinator of a new Nordic Centre of Excellence in Cryospheric Research.
  • Dr. Ian Howat is an associate professor at the Ohio State University, USA. Dr. Howat focuses on the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets, and their rapid response to climate forcing. He as been a participant on numerous science expedition to Greenland and Antarctica.
  • Dr. Heikki Järvinen is a scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, Finland. Dr. Järvinen is an internationally recognized climate modeller and ice scientist. He si the Chair of the Scientific and Advisory Committee of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
  • Dr. Ian Joughin is an affiliate professor at the University of Washington, USA. Dr. Joughin uses differential SAR interferometry to estimate the surface motion and topography of ice sheets. He combines the remote sensing with field work and modelling.
  • Dr. Heinz Miller is a professor at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany. Dr. Miller studies climate reconstruction of polar ice sheets and ice dynamics.